Mashed Potatoes

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Is there anything more wonderful than mashed potatoes? Okay, I can think of a lot of things, but mashed potatoes are one of my absolute favorite side dishes! They accompany anything with a delicious sauce or gravy or stand alone! One of my favorite buffet items at a special event is a mashed potato bar! I, sadly, didn’t have one at my wedding but my sister did!

One of my very first jobs in the kitchen was peeling potatoes so that my Grandmommy could make mashed potatoes. We had so many conversations about life and laughs in Grandmommy’s kitchen while I peeled potatoes! I kept doing it as I got older- it became my “job”.

There are many ways to prepare mashed potatoes, but I’m going to share how I do it (and I’ve tried multiple ways!)

You Will Need:

  • Vegetable Steamer (I received a steamer similar to this one as a wedding gift and it’s probably been one of my most used presents!). If you don’t have a steamer, you can steam the potatoes on the “steam” setting on your instant pot.

  • Mixer (I’ve loved my Majestic Yellow Kitchen Aid since I got it for my first Christmas that I was married!), but any mixer or handheld mixer will do

  • Peeler (one of my must-have kitchen tools)

  • Sharp Knife

  • Cutting Board


  • 4 Large Russet Potatoes

  • 6 Tbsp Salted Butter

  • 1-2 Tbsp Heavy Cream

  • Salt to Taste

How to Make Perfect Mashed Potatoes:

Step 1: Boil Water

Fill the bottom of the vegetable steamer 2/3 of the way with water. Place it on your stove and set the heat to high! The water will work on boiling while you are preparing the potatoes!

Step 2: Peel and Rinse the Potatoes

Using your peeler, carefully peel each potato pushing away from your body! I like to get the potato wet first before I start peeling it. It just makes its easier and smoother. You can peel it over a deep sink or a trash can, just don’t put the peelings down the drain or in the garbage disposal! It will mess it up! Once you have gotten all of the peelings off the potato, briefly rinse the potato to get any dirt and/or starch off the potato. Set the whole peeled and rinsed potatoes on a large cutting board!

Step 3: Cut Potatoes

Using the cutting board and knife, cut the potatoes into bite size pieces! I quarter the potatoes (cut in half hamburger-style, then cut the halves in half length wise or hot-dog style) then I cut the quarters into halves or thirds depending on the size of the potato, then turn the potato and cut two of three times to make small pieces! Do this with all of the potatoes. Place the potato pieces in the top part of the vegetable steamer!

Step 4: Steam the Potatoes

Put the top part of the steamer on top of the bottom part (once the water is boiling) and cover with a lid. The cooking time will depend on how many potatoes you are cooking, but start by cooking them 15 minutes. To check the potatoes, lift the lid and poke one of the top potato pieces with a fork. The potato should be soft and tender. If the potato is not easily pierced by a fork, cook for a few more minutes then check again. You do NOT want undercooked potatoes.

The first time I made mashed potatoes by myself the first Thanksgiving I came home from college, I didn’t let the potatoes cook long enough. The result was half-mashed potatoes with hard lumps! Not delicious, but my sweet Dad and sister ate them anyway. Once again, we all start somewhere!

Step 5: Put Cooked Potatoes into the Mixing Bowl

Carefully dump the potatoes in the mixing bowl (the steam will be really hot so be careful!. Pour out the hot water in the vegetable steam and put the steamer in the sink to be washed later.

At this point, if you are making other items that aren’t quite finished yet and want to mash the potatoes right before you put your meal on the table, cover the bowl with aluminum foil. This will keep the potatoes warm and the steam inside. Then you can do steps 6-8.

Step 6: Add Butter and Begin Mixing/Mashing the Potatoes

When you are ready to “mash” the potatoes, add the butter to the mixing bowl and turn the mixer on low until the butter is mostly incorporated into the potatoes. Scrape the sides of the bowl with a large spatula to get all of the potatoes mixed in. Then, set the mixer to medium.

Step 7: Add Cream and Salt

While mixing the potatoes, add the cream (1 or 2 tablespoons depending on which consistency you want) and salt to taste and beat for 1-2 minutes until potatoes are creamy, light and fluffy! Be sure to scrape the sides of the bowl so everything is incorporated!

As a side note, I avoided using my mixer to make mashed potatoes for years! The reason they are called “mashed” potatoes is because you mash the potatoes with a potato masher! I accidentally left my masher at my sister-in-law’s house so I decided to try using the mixer (like my mom used to do!) and I haven’t looked back! It really adds a fluffiness to the potatoes

Step 8: Serve!

Put the mashed potatoes into a serving bowl or spoon onto dinner plates! You can serve sauce or gravy over them as well! I also like to sprinkle a little paprika on top because its pretty!

Enjoy and let me know how you like my mashed potatoes!


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